Monday, March 9, 2009

Welcome to Sustainable Treats

Welcome new members to the Sustainable Treats blog! This is an exciting time at Cape Cod Organic Farm. The chickens are growing, seeds are sprouting and preparations for a great summer are underway.

As the days lengthen, we can shift gears with the season and think ahead to all the great ways we can utilize the first greens from the field. My favorite is putting really nice olive oil and vinegar onto tender new lettuce to savor my first salad of the year as simply as possible!


  1. Welcome new members to the Sustainable Treats blog! This is an exciting time at Cape Cod Organic Farm. The chickens are growing, seeds are sprouting and preparations for a great summer are underway.

    As the days lengthen, we can shift gears with the season and think ahead to all the great ways we can utilize the first greens from the field. My favorite is putting really nice olive oil and vinegar onto tender new lettuce to savor my first salad of the year as simply as possible!

  2. I really like to have asparagus with either browned butter or hollandaise. so good after a long winter. peas and mint are great too!

  3. Can you advise when the farm will be open to purchase plants? I am looking for heirloom tomatoes and more.

  4. Barry,
    The farm will open to purchase plants as of May 15th. Produce should follow around June 1st!

  5. Thanks! We'll be there.
    Can't wait to see it.

  6. are you selling vegetable seedlings from the farm?

  7. We have a seedling sale this Saturday the 30th at the farm featuring tall staked heirloom tomatoes in addition to other herb and vegetable seedlings!
    Visit us on Facebook and check the wesite for reglar updates!
